Diaspora = a community of people who share a national or ethical identity away from their homeland
Global driver of culturally mixed societies:
Open borders
Open borders:
EU citizens are free to move around the UK
Accelerated after less wealthy countries joined the EU
-> Poland and Slovakia where migrants usually remain concentrated in enclaves, creating diaspora communities
2020, 35% of Londons 8Mn population, where born in another country
Deregulation = the freedom to invest in business or transfer capital
removal of any barriers to invest money
no government approval needed
no restrictions for for financial institutions
any bank or individual can trade in shares without having to use the London stock exchange
in 2015, London attracted 35% of all companies who moved their European headquarters into the UK
Leading recipient of FDI from France, Japan, Australia, Canada, India and Ireland
UK is driving projects in research and development to attracting many TNCs
Post-accession migration = The flow of economic migrants after a country has joined the EU.
Pros of migration:
Skillgaps filled
Low wage migrants fill labour shortages
multiplier effect (consumption)
Help balance an aging population - more taxpayers
Cons of migration:
Feeling of unease in communities
More extreme political parties
lead to competition for jobs and depressed wages
extra strain on services (housing, education and infrastructure)
Political tensions from Globalisation:
Globalisation has encouraged migration, now roughly 13% of the UKs population were born outside the UK
British people are now in a minority in London.
-> Causing more extreme political parties
Populist parties = founded upon the exclusion and threat of immigrants
-> been rising since WW1
-> be found in most countries
-> e.g. UKIP
Rising racial tensions:
Rising populist parties in recent years such as UKIP
Political tensions in places like Paris, due to French artist making racial jokes about arabic people
Trans water conflicts = a location that experience mass demand for water, diminishing supply, causing conflicts to arise
Environmental tensions = climate change will cause inter-communal conflict when communities cannot meet their basic needs as a function of the earths diminished carrying capacity
Trans-boundary water conflicts = basins and aquifers link population and different areas and supports the income and livelihoods of millions of people world wide.