Cards (96)

  • Nursing informatics
    is an established and growing area of specialization in nursing. All nurses employ information technologies in their place.
  • Informatics nurses
    are key persons in the design, development, Implementation, and evaluation, of these technologies and in the development of the specialty’s body of knowledge.
  • Informatics
    is a science that combines a domain science, computer science, information science, and cognitive science
  • Informatics
    is a multidisciplinary science drawing from varied theories and knowledge application
  • Healthcare informatics
    may defined as the integration of healthcare sciences, computer science, information science, and cognitive science to assist in the management of health information.
  • Nursing informatics is the use of information technologies in relation to any nursing functions and actions of nurses (Hannah, 1985).
  • Nursing informatics is a combination of computer science, information science, and nursing science designed to assist in the management and processing of nursing data, information, and knowledge to support the practice the nursing and the delivery of nursing care(Graves and Corcoran, 1989).
  • The ANA (1994) defined nursing informatics as the specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science in identifying, collecting, processing, and managing data and information to support nursing practice, administration, education, research, and the expansion of nursing knowledge.
  • Nursing informatics facilitates the integration of data, information, and knowledge to support patients, nurses, and other providers in their decision-making in all roles and settings.
  • Health informatics is a specialty that integrates medical science, computer science and information system to manage and communicate data information, and knowledge in professional practice
  • Information System
    It is the system of data records and activities that processes and translate data to information in an automated process.
  • Health Informatics
    It is related to the processing of data of patients’ records into information which are supported by information systems
  • Information Systems
    • Decision support system for patient care
    • Patient data profiling
    • Knowledge discovery and management
    • Transaction records processing
    • Hospital Information System (HIS)
    • Pharmacy health system
    • Clinical information system
    • Electronic Health Record (EHR)
    • Critical care system
    • Patient care management
    • Ambulatory and laboratory information system
    • Health information system
  • Factors in Maintaining Data Security and Integrity
    • Carefully defining the data and information repositories.
    • Using of data management system.
    • Careful implementation and use of channels and networks.
    • Comprehensive understanding of the information system
    • Acceptance and appreciation of patients and users of the information system.
  • Graves and Corcoran’s 1989 model
    Nursing informatics is depicted in a linear progression, from data into information and knowledge. Management processing is integrated within each elements, depicting nursing informatics as the proper management of knowledge, from data as it is converted into information and knowledge.
  • Grave's and Corcoran's Model

    What model is this?
    Nursing informatics involves identification of information needs, resolution of the needs, and attainment of nursing goals/objectives.
  • Patricia Schwirian
    this person proposed a model intended to stimulate and guide systematic research in nursing informatics, model/framework that enables identification of significant information needs, that can foster research (somewhat similar to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs).
  • Schiwirian's Model

    What model is this?
  • TURLEY’S MODEL (1996)

    Nursing informatics is the intersection between the discipline-specific science (nursing) and the area of informatics. And in this model, there are 3 core components of informatics, namely Cognitive science, Information science, and Computer science.
  • Cognitive science,

    the interdisciplinary scientific investigation of the mind and intelligence. It encompasses the ideas and methods of psychology, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), neuroscience, and anthropology.
  • cognition
    refers to many kinds of thinking, including those involved in perception, problem solving, learning, decision making, language use, and emotional experience.
  • Information science
    is the science and practice dealing with the effective collection, storage, retrieval, and use of information.
  • Information Science
    It is concerned with recordable information and knowledge, and the technologies and related services that facilitate their management and use
  • Computer science
    is the study of processes that interact with data and that can be represented as data in the form of programs. It enables the use of algorithms to manipulate, store, and communicate digital information.
  • Turley's Model

    What model is this?
    Every nurse must be able to continuously exhibit the capability to acquire skills (in this case, computer literacy skills parallel with nursing knowledge), and then demonstrate specific skills beginning with the very first student experience.
  • 5 Levels of Expertise
    1. Novice
    2. Advanced beginner
    3. Competent
    4. Proficient
    5. Expert
  • Novice
    individuals with no experience of situations and related content in those situations where they are expected to perform tasks.
  • Advanced Beginner
    marginally demonstrate acceptable performance having built on lessons learned in their expanding experience base; needs supervision.
  • Competent
    enhanced mastery and the ability to cope with and manage many contingencies.
  • Proficient
    evolution through continuous practice of skills, combined with professional experience and knowledge; individual who appreciates standards of practice as they apply in nursing informatics.
  • Expert
    individual with mastery of the concept and capacity to intuitively understand the situation and immediately target the problem with minimal effort or problem solving.
  • The type and pattern of documentation in the patient record will be dependent on 3 interacting dimensions of healthcare:
    1. Personal health dimension
    2. Healthcare provider dimension
    3. Population health dimension
  • Personal health dimension
    personal health record maintained and controlled by the individual or family; non clinical information e.g. self-care trackers, directories of health care, and other supports
  • Health care provider dimension
    promotes quality patient care, access to complete accurate patient data 24/7e.g. provider’s notes/prescription, clinical orders decision support systems, practice guidelines.
  • Population health dimension
    information on the health of the population and the influences to health; helps stakeholders identify and track health threats, assess population health, create and monitor programs and services, and conduct research.
  • The Philippine healthcare system is an interplay of 8 groups:
    1. Government
    2. Health maintenance organizations and Insurers
    3. Employers
    4. Pharmaceuticals
    5. Pharmacies
    6. Hospitals, diagnostic clinics, and labs
    7. Doctors or Medical professionals
    8. Patients
    Patient care shifts/progresses from a high quality delivery of lift through technology with increased costs (right side) into quality of life with minimal health costs.
    Inverse relationship between quality of life and cost of care/day.