Cards (25)

  • Impact of Information Technology
    • Automation
    • Information
    • Sequential
    • Tracking
    • Analytical
    • Geographic
    • Integration
    • Intellectual
    • Intermediating
  • Information technology
    is the study design, development, implementation support, and / or
    management of computer systems based on information (Association of Information Technology of America).
  • Globalization
    is a process in which economies, cultures, and societies have combined through a global network of trade and communication.
  • The global Filipino
    is one who has taken wider perspective or worldview of issues and events around him and realizes the importance of interrelationship of local events with the national and global environment.
  • The global Filipino has the capability to survive in a dynamic or ever-changing environment.
  • Automation
    Eliminating human labor
  • Information
    Capturing process information for purposes of understanding
  • Sequential
    Changing process series or enabling parallelism
  • Tracking
    Close monitoring process status and objects
  • Information technology
    is the study design, development, implementation support, and / or management of computer systems based on information (Association of Information Technology of America).
  • Smart philippines
    It is designed to contribute to people empowerment and socio-economic development. It is anchored on the belief that the country can benefit from a shared national vision of harnessing IT in the same way that businesses and nations world-wide have, and to launch the Philippines as a Newly Industrializing Country (NIC).
  • NITP2000
    is a comprehensive plan of action with the twin strategies of IT Use and IT Production.
  • IT Use
    refers to the widespread use of IT.
  • IT Production
    refers to the accelerated creation and provision of state-of-the-art IT products and services that are affordable and accessible as the demand for IT Use grows.
  • NITP2000 is structured into five (5) components with respective Key Result Areas (KRAs) that are achievable by 1998.
    T - telecommunications
    I - industry
    G - government
    E - education
    R - research
  • Nursing Informatics
    • A specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, and knowledge in nursing practice.
  • Nursing informatics
    • Facilitates the integration of data, information, and knowledge to support patients, nurses, and other providers in their decision-making in all roles and settings.
    • By the turn of the 21st century, the Philippines should have laid the infrastructure in the Philippines to have access to information technology.
    • By the year 2005, IT use will be pervasive in daily life.
    • Within the first decade of the 21st Century, the Philippines will be a Knowledge Center in the Asia-Pacific: the leader in IT education, in IT-assisted training, and in the application of information and knowledge to business, professional services, and the arts.
  • Prior to the 1960s
    Few experts attempted to adapt computers to health care and nursing. Computers were initially used in health care facilities for basic office functions They used punch cards to store data and card readers to read computer programs, sort and prepare data for processing.
  • 1960s
    Computer technology in health care settings are questioned. “Why computers?” and “What should be computerized.
    Hospital information system (HISs) were developed to process financial transaction and serve as billing and accounting system.
  • 1970s
    Several states and large community health agencies develop and/or contracted for their own computer-based management information systems (MISs).
    Public health MISs provided statistical information required by local, state, and federal agencies for specific program funds. Home health agencies provided billing and other financial information required for reimbursement of patient services by Medicare, Medicaid, and other third-party payers.
  • 1980s
    The field of informatics emerged in the health care industry and nursing. NI became an accepted specialty and many nursing experts entered the field.
  • 1990s
    Computer technology became an integral part of health care settings, nursing practice, and the nursing profession. The nursing profession became actively involved in promoting NI. In 1992, NI was approved by ANA as new nursing specialty
  • 2000
    The early years of the new millennium continued the torrid pace of hardware and software development and growth.
  • Four Major Nursing Areas
    1. Nursing Practice
    2. Nursing Administration
    3. Nursing Education
    4. Nursing Research