digestive system anatomy

Cards (70)

  • digestive system
    A) oral cavity
    B) pharynx
    C) esophagus
    D) stomach
    E) duodenum and small intestine
    F) large intestine
    G) anus
    H) salivary glands
    I) pancreas
    J) liver
    K) gallbladder
    L) intake and digestion
    M) absorption
    N) elimination
  • esophagus
    A) pharynx
    B) cricoid cartilage of larynx
    C) trachea
    D) esophagus
    E) sternum and rib
    F) aorta
    G) heart in pericardium
    H) diaphragm
    I) c5-c6
    J) 25 cm
    K) 9 3/4 inches
    L) t11
    M) esophagus
  • stomach
    A) fundus
    B) body
    C) pyloric valve
    D) pyloric portion
  • stomach
    A) cardiac notch
    B) esophagogastric junction
    C) cardiac antrum
    D) lesser curvature
    E) angular notch
    F) pyloric orifice
    G) pyloric canal
    H) pyloric antrum
    I) pyloric portion
    J) greater curvature
    K) body
    L) fundus
    M) gastric bubble
  • small intestine
    A) duodenum
    B) RUQ , LUQ
    C) region of ileocecal valve
    D) RLQ
    E) jejunum
    F) LUQ , LLQ
    G) ileum
    H) RUQ , RLQ , LLQ
  • large intestine
    A) liver
    B) right colic flexure
    C) ascending colon
    D) cecum
    E) vermiform appendix
    F) rectum
    G) anal canal
    H) sigmoid colon
    I) descending colon
    J) transverse colon
    K) left colic flexure
    L) spleen
  • body habitus
    A) hypersthenic
    B) sthenic
  • body habitus
    A) hyposthenic
    B) asthenic
  • accessory organs
    salivary glands
  • functions of the digestive system
    intake and digestion of food, water, vitamins, and minerals
  • size of the esophagus
    10 inches in length
    3/4 inch in diameter
  • location of esophagus
    at MSP C6-T11
    posterior to trachea and heart
    anterior to spine
  • structure of esophagus
    when empty it collapse
    upper 1/3 is skeletal muscle (voluntary)
    middle 1/3 is skeletal and smooth muscle
    lower 1/3 is smooth muscle (involuntary)
  • cardiac antrum (esophagus)
    distal end below diaphragm, terminal esophagus that is slightly expanded
  • function of esophagus
    transport food and liquid to the stomach
  • size of stomach
    10 inches long
    holds 1.7 ounces when empty
    1.5 quarts when full
  • location of stomach
    left upper quadrant of abdomen
  • structure of stomach
    mucosal lining that falls into folds called rugae when empty and distends when full
  • cardia (stomach)
    small portion of stomach
    surrounds eg junction
  • esophagogastric junction (stomach)
    when the esophagus terminates and the stomach begins
  • cardiac orifice (stomach)
    opening of the esophagus to the stomach
    cardiac sphincter controls this
  • fundus (stomach)
    most posterior and superior portion
    commonly filled with air called gastric bubble
  • body (stomach)
    central and more anterior
  • pyloric portion (stomach)
    pyloric antrum and canal
  • pyloric orifice (stomach)
    opening between pyloric portion to the small bowel
    controlled by the pyloric sphincter
  • small intestine size
    23 feet long
    1.5-2.5 inches in diameter
  • location of small intestine
    center and lower abdomen
  • structure of small intestine
  • function of small intestine
    digestion and absorption
  • size of duodenum
    8-10 inches in length
  • structure of duodenum
    C shaped
    4 parts
  • ligament of treitz
    holds the duodenum in place
  • duodenojejunal flexure (angle of treitz)
    area where duodenum meets jejunum
  • appearance of duodenum
    spring or coil when filled with barium
  • size of jejunum
    2/5 of small bowel
  • location of jejunum
    left upper and lower quadrant
  • appearance of the jejunum
    feathery when filled with barium
  • size of ileum
    3/5 of small bowel
  • location of ileum
    right upper and lower quadrant
    left lower quadrant
  • appearance of ileum
    smooth when filled with barium