
Cards (18)

  • What is a set?
    A well-defined group of objects
  • What are elements in a set?
    Objects that share a common characteristic
  • What does the symbol ∈ represent?
    Element of a set
  • What does the symbol ∉ represent?
    Not an element of a set
  • What does { } or ∅ represent?
    Null or empty set
  • What is the Listing Method (Roster Method) for sets?
    • Elements are separated by a comma
    • Enclosed between a pair of braces
    • Example: H = {g, r, a, d, e}
  • What is Set Builder Notation?
    • Describes a set by indicating properties
    • Uses variables to define elements
    • Example: H = {x|x is a letter in "grade"}
  • What does the symbol ⊆ represent?
    Subset of another set
  • What is a Universal Set?
    Contains all objects under consideration
  • What is a Null Set?
    Empty set
  • What is the significance of the Null Set?
    Always a subset of any set
  • What is Cardinality in relation to sets?
    Number of elements contained in a set
  • How is Cardinality written?
    As n(name of set)
  • What is the Intersection of sets?
    Common elements in both sets
  • What is the Union of sets?
    Elements in one or both sets
  • What does the Difference operation on sets represent?
    Elements in A that are not in B
  • What is the Complement of a set?
    Elements in U that are not in A
  • What symbol denotes the Complement of a set?
    Denoted by