block: a wooden cuboid box used as stage furniture in non-naturalistic performances
breaking down: artistic process of aging a costume, props or scenery
colour: can be used symbolically to suggest style / setting / theme.
dressing: adding props and/or furnishings to a stage setting is known as dressing the set.
ground-plan: technical drawing of the stage
hand props: properties such as tools, weapons, or luggage that are carried on stage by an individual performer.
materials: materials that the stage furniture is appears to be composed from.
personal props: furnishings, set dressing, and all items large and small which cannot be classified as scenery, electrics or wardrobe.
prop box/ skip: place to store props.
prop table: table situated in the wings on which props are placed
props room: room for the construction of props.
platform [also referred to as a rise or rostrum]: a stationary, standard, flat walking surface for performers to perform on, used to provide varying levels, to make a show more visually interesting, to seperate areas on stage, and/or as seating.
practical: a working object onstage, such as a door or window
preset: position of scenery / stage furniture at the start of a performance or scene.
rostrum [plural:rostra] : portable platform, usually in the form of a collapsible hinged framework (gate) with a seperate top (lid).
stage crew: employed to move / operate stage furniture.
stage furniture: elements of the production that can be used / moved but cannot be defined as personal props.
strike: to remove objects or scenery from stage.
style: the style of stage furniture chosen to enhance the production. e.g. by replicating a specific historical period.