fraudulent misrepresentation

Cards (8)

  • from which tort does fraudulent misrepresentation originate from?
    The tort of Deceit
  • Which case gives the definition of fraudulent misrepresentation?
    Derry v Peek
  • According to the case of Derry v Peek, what is the definition of fraudulent misrepresentation?
    fraudulent misrepresentation is when there is a statement that the person making it knows to be untrue or is reckless as to whether it is true or not.
  • According to the case of Greedridge Luton One v Kempton Investments, what is fraudulent misrepresentation?
    It is an out-and-out incorrect answer to an inquiry or a rose tinted view.
  • According to which case is fraudulent misrepresentation an out-and-out incorrect answer to an inquiry or a rose-tinted view?
    Greenridge Luton One v Kempton Investments
  • What case shows the remedies available in Fraudulent misrepresentation ?
    Smith New Court v Scrimgeour Vickers
  • According to Smith New Court v Scrimgeour Vickers what are the remedies available in fraudulent misrepresentation?
    Damages and Reccision- they'll be decided in line with the tort of deceit.
  • What are the facts of Smith New Court v Scrimgeour Vickers?
    in the case of Smith New Court v Scrimgeour Vickers thecourt awarded the C damages to cover the difference between the amount paid for shares and the final sale price. This is morethan would normally be awarded under contract law.