The Office for National Statistics in 2007 suggest that marriage is good for the couples health as they live longer than single or divorced couples
Murphy says bad relationships rather than divorce is what makes people unhappy and hence ill
Since the 1970s,
Less people are getting married
More remarriages
Married later in life
Couples less likely to marry in Church
The average age for first marriage of men is 35.3 but for women is 33
There has been a 61% decrease in reported marriages between 2019 to 2020
There has been a 36% increase in remarriages between 2019 to 2020
A reason for the change in marriage patterns is due to a changing attitude of marriage, so there is less pressure and more freedom for a couples relationship and it is no longer defined by a legal status
Secularisation means only 3% of young people with no religion get married compared to 17% of those with a religion
Increasingly childbirth outside of marriage is less stigmatised so shotgun weddings are decreased. In 198970% of people thought that couples who want children should get married compared to only 42% in 2012
Fewer people are likely to rush into marriage due to the fear of divorce~
The changing position of women lead to less women getting married
Wilkinson says marriage and family life have went under a gender quake, so young girls no longer prioritise marriage
Additionally, the cost of marriage is high as of 2022 it is £18,400
One of the reasons for less church weddings is the church'sarchaic view of same-sex marriage and refuse to remarrydivorced people
The reason people get married when they are older is because they have more money to spend on a luxurious wedding and people are more likely to cohabit before marriage
There has been moreremarriages because of the increase in divorce and there are more divorces so more people to marry