Functionalists say the family in the modern industrial times has moved away and become isolated and nuclear, so family members are no longer necessary, so in a sense the family has become privatised becoming a 'cereal packet' family
The 'Cereal Packet' family is due to the ideological messages that are portrayed in the media that the family is isolated and become privatised
Functionalists believe the cereal packet family is the most functional for society so the 'functionally fit'
Neo-Functionalists do not consider the growing family diversity significant as the neo-conventional family is just a nuclear, dual-earner and conjugal role family - a symmetrical family
Chester argues that most people at some point will be part of a nuclear family, and most people strive for this family type
McGlone says people don't live in nuclear families just different extended families
The Extended families are;
Local extended family
Dispersed extended family
Attenuated extended family
The Local extended family is the traditional horizontal or vertical extended family were members will live with eachother
The Dispersed extended family is the family were wider kin may live far away but the family is maintained by technology, Parsons says this demonstrated the isolated nuclear family not the extended family
The Attenuatedextended family are families were single people may move away from their kin
Beanpole families mean few children are born each generation so the family tree is straight
The Extended family is a lot of relatives living under a roof (over multiple generations)