Ethnic Differences in Family Patterns

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  • Post-modernists say you can't generalise ethnic patterns in the family as people are free to construct their own family
  • Anwar studied the Pakistani community in Rochdale and noted a strong tight knit-extended family existing that was largely patriarchal in focus
  • Ballard argues that South Asian families in the UK are largely extended and if necessary modified extended and are more likely to have more children compared to other ethnic groups
  • A reason ethnic minorities may keep an extended family is due to cultural defence, as it provides a sense of community in an unfamiliar culture
  • Caribbean families are largely matriarchal when in nuclear families, as the female is seen as the primary care giver
  • In 2012, half of families with dependent children headed by a black person were lone-parent compared to just 1 in 9 Asian families
  • Mirza argues that the increased rate of lone parents in black families is due to the high value that black women place on independence, such as the history of slavery but this value is now decreasing
  • Additionally, polygamy is more common in ethnic families
  • Forced marriages are more common in ethnic families, 49% of which are by Pakistani families, with non agreeing women (78%) and they are often younger
  • Arranged marriages are also more common in ethnic families