Created by
Olivia Walsh
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Cards (26)
With a kingdom of...
close relatives
or is it fairer to say equipped?...
with sticks and staves, and meaner implements
we're not...
hurtful people, hereabouts
the mood was...
the whole encounter was...
transformed by blood
we are the beneficiaries of...
nature's dowry
fire setter should expect...
to have his ears cut off and be hoisted by the gibbet
so, let the pigs...
complete what they've begun
we in this village walk around...
in blinded ignorance
the knots that tie us...
to this tranquil place are loosening
the loudest voices are the ones that...
want to arm themselves with sticks and blades
all four at once,
like cattle in one heard
those serving fellows kept us...
waiting at the porch like dogs and horses
there isn't one of us -...
no them
who's safe
a farmer knows...
to gate the herd before he hunts the stray
they'll lay a hearth; ...
they know the custom and the law
Wheat, like men and women...
benefit from being crushed
there's no one there to witness them or...
to blame them for their violence.
then all I know is, there's a...
sudden rush. the others jostle in
our arsonists, judged it best to pack and go before...
their secrets were uncovered
so we are all _ tonight
so we are all conspirators tonight
reap and gossip. ...
that's the rule
rather than speak up, they turned ...
their anger on the pigeons and the rooks
undeserving ...
protective of our modest world and ...
fearful for our skinny lives
just like rooks we have begun ...
to sound and look the same