1.9 The privatisation & globalisation of education

Cards (18)

  • Privatisation
    Investment in the transfer of schools to private companies, making the education system a source of profit for private companies
  • Education Services Industry (ESI)

    Where companies invest in schools and expect to make up to 10x the profit they make from other contracts
  • What are the private companies in the ESI involved in?
    Building schoolsSupply teachersWork based learningCareers adviceOFSTED inspection servicesPublic-Private Partnerships involved in large scale school building projects
  • why are many head teachers leaving for private schools?
    Because they can get paid more and provide 'insider knowledge' to the school
  • Cola-isation
    The private sector penetration education indirectly, schools are a product endorsement that are targeted by private companies
  • What are examples of cola-isation?
    Vending machines, Sainsbury's voucher scheme
  • What are the problems with cola-isation?
    The benefits to schools are very limited e.g., families spent £110,000 in Tesco in return for a single computer for a school
  • What are the 3 impacts of globalisation on education?
    -Schools needed people with different skills for a service based economy- new apprenticeships & T-levels were developed -Raising the leaving age because there are less jobs in the U.K. for people with no more than GCSEs-Teaching of languages like mandarin
  • Why do people think that we should have a global curriculum?

    -Because we live in an increasingly global culture and should have a more diverse curriculum and learn about other places-Because of the growth of global IT companies & global media challenges the authority of traditional schooling & teachers. They believe we should do schooling online
  • What are examples of globalisation in UK education?
    -British exam boards offer international GCSEs & A-levels to students in over 160 countries-Ball (2012)- British public schools (private) & universities try to attract students from overseas-Our new curriculum combined the best of global educational practices from Hong Kong, USA & Finland
  • What polices were impacted by globalisation?
    1. PISA international ranking: select policies from other countries that they perceive have worked e.g. Gove wanted to extend the school day to mirror China2. Academies inspired from US charted schools3. Free schools inspired by the Swedish school system4. PREVENT & British Values- in response to the increased threat of terrorism & to promote social solidarity
  • How did educational policy affect gender?
    -Girls had to achieve a higher mark in 11+ to gain a Grammar School Place-Policies such as GIST introduced in the 70s to reduce gender differences in subject choice-Now girls outperform boys in almost every subject
  • What was the educational policy affecting ethnicity in the 70s?

    -Assimilation policies in the 70s focused on assimilating minority ethnic groups into mainstream British culture to raise achievement
  • What were the reasons why MEGs with English as a first language underachieved?
    Racism & poverty
  • What was the educational policy affecting ethnicity in the 80s?
    -Multicultural Educational Policies in 80s focused on valuing all cultures in the curriculum to raise pupils' self esteem and increase achievement
  • What do critical race theorists think about multicultural educational policies?
    They think that its juts tokenism and fails to tackle institutional racism
  • What were the educational policies affecting ethnicity in the 90s?
    -Social inclusion policies became a focus of the late 90s e.g. monitoring exam results by ethnicity -Making schools have a legal duty to promote racial equality (race relations act)
  • What did Mirza criticise the government for doing
    -Mirza criticised the government for taking a 'soft' approach to ethnic inequality rather than tackling the ethnocentric curriculum & streaming