Traditional Marxist Views on Beliefs

Cards (22)

  • What did Marx describe religion as?
    The opiate of the masses
  • What did Marx mean by religion acting like a drug?
    It cushions workers from exploitation's misery
  • How did Marx describe religion in relation to capitalism?
    As a negative force that cushions exploitation
  • What did Marx argue the proletariat should do?
    Rise up against the bourgeoisie
  • How did religion help the bourgeoisie maintain control, according to Marx?
    It was part of the ruling ideology
  • What term did Lenin use to describe religion?
    Spiritual gin
  • What did Lenin argue about the ruling class and religion?
    They used it to obscure reality for workers
  • What does Louis Althusser argue about religion?
    It is part of the ideological state apparatus
  • How does religion transmit ideology, according to Althusser?
    Through education and the media
  • What do religious teachings encourage the proletariat to believe?
    That society's organization is God's will
  • What hymn illustrates the religious view of social hierarchy?
    All Things Bright and Beautiful
  • What does the verse from the hymn suggest about social status?
    God made them, high or lowly
  • What does the verse "Blessed are the meek" imply?
    Meekness leads to inheriting the earth
  • How do Marxists view verses that promise justice in heaven?
    They prevent action in this world
  • What does the verse about the camel and the needle illustrate?
    The difficulty for the rich to enter heaven
  • What is Engels' perspective on religion's role?
    It has a dual character, conservative and change-driven
  • How do Marxist and functionalist views on religion compare?
    • Both see religion performing a function
    • Functionalists view it positively
    • Marxists view it negatively
  • What criticism applies to both functionalist and Marxist views of religion?
    They assume religion influences most people
  • What happens when religious practice is a minority pursuit?
    Religion loses power as an opiate
  • How do some religious teachings contradict capitalism?
    They criticize greed and praise humility
  • What might a rejection of materialism lead to, according to neo-Marxists?
    Seeing the ruling class as ungodly
  • What are the potential roles of religion according to neo-Marxists?
    • Conservative force maintaining status quo
    • Catalyst for social change and revolution