Gender & Religious Beliefs

Cards (24)

  • Who is more likely to attend church, men or women?
  • What percentage of women believed in God according to a 1990 opinion poll?
  • What role is traditionally associated with women that aligns with religious faith?
    Expressive role (nurturing and caring)
  • Why might women pray and seek spiritual support more than men?
    Due to proximity to childbirth and caregiving
  • How does traditional gender role affect men's church attendance?
    Men have less time due to work
  • What demographic trend contributes to women's higher religiosity?
    Women live longer than men
  • How are men and women socialized differently regarding religion?
    Women are socialized to be compliant and passive
  • What do traditional religions expect from their congregations?
    Compliance, conformity, and passivity
  • What ideology do some feminists argue women are sold by religious teachings?
    False ideology about rewards in heaven
  • According to Glock and Stark, why do women join religious sects more than men?
    Women experience more deprivation due to patriarchy
  • What trend has been noted by sociologists like Linda Woodhead regarding women's involvement in religion?
    Women are more involved in cults and New Age movements
  • How do men's and women's rates of drifting away from established religions differ?
    Men drift away faster than women
  • What do Woodhead and Heelas call the attraction of women to alternative spiritual beliefs?
    The holistic milieu
  • What might attract women to New Age beliefs?
    Female-oriented practices or therapy-like activities
  • What do Miller and Hoffman suggest about attitudes to risk between genders?
    Men are more willing to take risks than women
  • Why do Miller and Hoffman argue that lack of religion is risky?
    It risks not going to heaven
  • What has Woodhead suggested about the feminization of churches?
    Secularisation has impacted men more than women
  • How does Bruce view the changing nature of religion?
    It is becoming more private than public
  • What is a potential flaw in the data regarding women's church attendance?
    Attendance does not equal belief in faith
  • Why might women respond differently to surveys about religious belief than men?
    Women may see faith as socially desirable
  • What is a characteristic of some male-dominated sects?
    Extreme and conservative views on women's roles
  • What are the reasons women are more likely to attend church than men?
    • Women's expressive role aligns with religious faith
    • Proximity to childbirth and caregiving
    • More time due to traditional domestic roles
    • Longer life expectancy leads to more older women
  • What are the key factors influencing women's involvement in religious sects and movements?
    • Experience of deprivation due to patriarchy
    • Attraction to cults and New Age movements
    • Socialization to be compliant and passive
    • Risk aversion compared to men
  • What are the critiques of the view that women are more religious than men?
    • Attendance does not equal belief
    • Social desirability may influence survey responses
    • Male-dominated sects may deter women