
Cards (17)

  • What is a major trend in contemporary religion?
    Growth in fundamentalism
  • How does fundamentalism relate to secularisation?
    It seems contradictory but has significant connections
  • What is argued to be a reaction to globalisation?
  • How did Almond (2003) define fundamentalism?
    As a pattern of religious militancy
  • Who leads fundamentalism according to Almond?
    Self-styled true believers
  • What does Giddens argue about globalisation and insecurity?
    It causes significant levels of insecurity for people
  • Why do people find fundamentalist religion attractive?
    It offers simple answers in confusion
  • How are religious texts viewed in fundamentalist religion?
    They are taken entirely literally
  • What type of society does fundamentalism clash with?
    Pluralistic and liberal society
  • What do fundamentalists want to change in society?
    Contemporary liberal society into conservative society
  • What is a significant cause of conflict related to fundamentalism?
    Conflict with other religions and interpretations
  • How do sociologists view the relationship between globalisation and fundamentalism?
    • Fundamentalism is not new, just more noticeable
    • Some countries have experienced desecularisation
    • Fundamentalist movements have historical roots
  • What does Karen Armstrong (2000) argue about contemporary fundamentalist movements?
    They are thoroughly contemporary, not medieval throwbacks
  • How do contemporary fundamentalist movements differ from medieval religion?
    They are populist and use modern technology
  • How do fundamentalism and secularisation relate to globalisation?
    They are reactions to globalisation
  • What is a predictable response to globalisation according to the material?
    Local and traditional reactions to cultural erosion
  • What are two responses to globalisation mentioned in the text?
    Retreat into traditional beliefs and embrace secular culture