What is Religion?

Cards (11)

  • What are the three main approaches to defining religion in sociology?
    Substantive, Functional, Social constructionist
  • How did Max Weber define religion?
    As a belief in a supernatural power
  • What is required for a belief to be considered religious according to Weber?
    A belief in God or supernatural powers
  • How does a functional definition of religion differ from a substantive definition?
    It focuses on social functions, not beliefs
  • What do interpretivist sociologists argue about defining religion?
    There are too many types for a single definition
  • What is significant about the process of recognizing a set of beliefs as a religion?
    It involves power dynamics and societal recognition
  • What law did the UK government pass in 2006 regarding religion?
    Outlawing incitement to religious hatred
  • What debate arose regarding Scientology?
    Whether it is a religion or a dangerous cult
  • What conclusion do those applying substantive or functional definitions reach about Scientology?
    It fits the criteria to be considered a religion
  • What should sociologists focus on instead of commonalities among religions?
    What religions mean to their believers
  • How does the definition of religion vary according to society and time?
    It likely differs from society to society