Religious Organisations: Churches, Sects & Denominations

Cards (30)

  • What do most people with a religious belief belong to?
    A religious organisation
  • How do most people within the Christian tradition describe their organisation?
    As a "church"
  • What are the two types of religious organisations mentioned in the text?
    Churches and sects
  • What is the sociological term for the different branches of the Christian church?
  • Who was the first sociologist to create a typology of churches?
    Max Weber
  • What did Max Weber differentiate between in his typology?
    Churches and sects
  • What does Troeltsch's typology claim about churches?
    They claim a monopoly over the truth
  • How are churches connected to the state according to Troeltsch?
    They are closely connected to the state
  • What is a characteristic of churches regarding their structure?
    They have a hierarchical bureaucratic structure
  • What type of members do churches generally attract?
    People from a range of social backgrounds
  • How are individuals typically included in a church?
    They are often born into it
  • How does Troeltsch characterize sects?
    As organisations that broke away from a church
  • What do sects claim regarding the truth?
    They claim a monopoly over the truth
  • Who typically leads sects?
    A charismatic leader
  • What type of commitment do sects demand from their members?
    Total commitment
  • How do sects generally view the state?
    They are often hostile to the state
  • What types of groups often make up sects?
    Marginalised, deprived groups
  • What happens to sects that survive and grow?
    They may lose their sect characteristics
  • What does the life cycle of a sect suggest?
    Sects will not last more than one generation
  • Who recognized denominations as a category in religious typology?
    1. Richard Niebuhr
  • How do denominations differ from churches?
    They are not closely connected to the state
  • What is a characteristic of denominations regarding truth claims?
    They often do not claim a monopoly over the truth
  • What are the characteristics of churches according to Troeltsch?
    • Claim a monopoly over the truth
    • Closely connected to the state
    • Developed hierarchical structure
    • Make few demands on members
    • Mainstream and conservative
    • People are often born into them
  • What are the characteristics of sects according to Troeltsch?
    • Claim a monopoly over the truth
    • Led by a charismatic leader
    • Small in size
    • Demand total commitment
    • Hostile to the state
    • Often consist of marginalized groups
  • What are the characteristics of denominations?
    • Not closely connected to the state
    • Larger than sects but smaller than churches
    • Some bureaucracy and hierarchy
    • Accepting of other denominations and religions
  • How does the typology of Troeltsch apply to the Roman Catholic Church in different countries?
    It fits neatly in some countries, not others
  • What does Steve Bruce argue about Troeltsch’s typology in modern society?
    It may not apply due to religious pluralism
  • What does Roland Robertson argue regarding established churches and governments?
    There are increasing disagreements due to secularisation
  • How many active members does the Church of England have?
    Fewer than 1 million
  • What is the population of the UK in relation to the Church of England's active members?
    Nearly 66 million