data representation

Cards (20)

  • label
    A) k
    B) M
    C) G
    D) T
    E) P
    F) B
    G) kB
    H) MB
    I) GB
    J) TB
    K) 3
    L) 6
    M) 9
    N) 12
  • label
    A) 50 kB
    B) 100 kB
    C) 100 MB
  • binary is base 2 (0-1), denary is base 10 (0-9), hexadecimal is base 16 (0-9, A-F)
    • binary <=> denary: use 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
    • binary <=> hex: split binary into nibbles (8, 4, 2, 1) and turn into hex based on added value (0-9 or A-F if it's 10-15)
    • denary => hex: with binary each number to the left increases in multiples of 2. But with hexadecimal it increases by powers of 16. So our columns are as follows: 4096, 256, 16, 1. Under each column, write how many times it fits into that power (if it is 10-15 write A-F)
    • hex => denary: shove the hexadecimal into 4096, 256, 16, 1 columns and multiply the hex by the column and add them all together
  • binary addition
    • 0 + 0 = 0
    • 1 + 0 = 1
    • 1 + 1 = 0 carry 1
    • 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 carry 1
    • If the number of bits required to store the answer is bigger than the number of bits in the available range, then this is an overflow error.
  • Multiply a number, a binary shift moves all the digits in the binary number along to the left and fills the gaps after the shift with 0 (XO easier to draw for right hand onto left):
    • x 2, all digits shift 1 place left (add 0 on right hence x 0 on left hand)
    • x 4, 2 places left (2 0s)
    • x 8, 3 places left (3 0s)
    To divide a number, a binary shift moves all the digits in the binary number along to the right (0 ÷ is on right cuz left hand draw on right hand is harder symbol):
    • ÷ 2, all digits shift 1 place right (add 0 on left)
    • ÷ 4, 2 places right (2 0s)
    • ÷ 8, 3 places right (3 0s)
  • To represent text digitally, each character needs its own unique bit-pattern (combinations of 1s and 0s) called a character code.
    A character can be any of the following:
    • Letters (upper and lower case)
    • Punctuation (e.g. ?/|\£$)
    • Numbers (0–9)
    • Commands (e.g. Enter, Delete, F1)
    For computers to be able to communicate + exchange text, they must have an agreed standard that defines which character code is used for which character. A standardised collection of characters and the bit-patterns used to represent them is called a character set (eg ASCII, Unicode)
    • ASCII uses seven bits, giving a character set of 128 codes (32control codes and 96 characters). The characters are represented in a table, called the ASCII table.
    • Extended ASCII uses eight bits, giving a character set of 256 characters. This allows for special characters such as those with accents in languages.
    • While suitable for representing English characters, 256 characters is far too small to hold every character in other languages, such as Chinese or Arabic. Unicode uses 16 bits, giving a range of over 65,000 characters. 
  • file size (bits) = bits per character x number of characters
    file size (bytes) = bits per character x number of characters / 8
  • A bitmap is an image formed from pixels. A pixel is the smallest element that makes up an image (a single point in an image)
  • The number of bits determines the range of colours. This is known as an image's colour depth. For example, using a colour depth of 3, ie 3 bits per pixel, would allow 8 possible colours (2^8)
  • Meta data is data about data. For a file, metadata can include:
    type of file (eg bitmap)
    • file size (eg 3 Mb)
    date created (eg 20-12-2017)
    For images, metadata will include:
    • colour depth
    • image height and width (in pixels)
    • image resolution (in ppi)
    • image type (eg JPEG)
  • Minimum Bitmap File Size (bits) = Width x Height x Colour Depth
    Size in bytes = size in bits ÷ 8
  • Amplitude = A measurement of sound
    Sample = Measure of amplitude at a specific time
    Bit depth = Number of bits used for each sample
    Sample rate = Number of samples per second measured in Hz
  • Sound begins life in an analogue format. This means it has no discrete (exact) value and varies continuously. It can be represented in the form of a wave. An ADC will capture a sound wave at regular time intervals. This recording is known as a sample.
  • bit rate (bits per second) = sample rate x bit depth
    file size (bits) = sample rate x bit depth x seconds
    file size (bits) = bit rate x seconds
    • Lossy compression, some data is removed + discarded, reducing overall amount of data AND the file size.
    • Image can reduce colour depth (fewer shades of colour).
    • Audio file can be compressed by reducing the bit depth of the samples. MP3 is a lossy audio file format.
    Various lossy standards exist:
    • the JPEG file format works on this principle, which is why JPEG files tend to be smaller in size
    • the MPEG file format compresses audio and video, making it more suitable for streaming media
    • >MP3 is a lossy format for audio, including music
  • There are some files that we would not want to lose data from eg
    • text files
    • spreadsheets
    • financial records
    • emails
    With lossless compression, files size reduce without loss of data. Lossless compression cannot compress files as much as lossy compression.
    • PDF - text documents
    • GIF - image file format
  • label
    A) most
    B) overflow error
    C) least
    D) loss of
    E) precision
  • label
    A) digital
    B) analog