Ainsworth A01

Cards (11)

  • What was the aim of Ainsworth
    -To see how an infant behaves under conditions of mild stress
  • Who were the ppts
    -106 white middle class infant (12-18 months) and their mothers
  • What was the study conducted as
    -an observational lab experiment
  • What 4 behaviours was Ainsworth investigating
    -stranger anxiety
    -reunion behaviour
    -separation anxiety
    -using mother as a safe base/willingness to explore
  • What was the method
    • series of episodes within the experiment included baby with its mother left alone or with a stranger
    • A group of observers collected data using a one-way mirror and video camera
  • What happened to the findings of the strange situation
    Findings of the Strange Situation were organised by Ainsworth into three main attachment styles
  • outline secure attachment
    • Infants show proximity-seeking and secure-base behaviour toward their caregiver
    • Moderate separation and stranger anxiety behaviour are seen
    • Reunion behaviour includes the need for comfort from the caregiver
    • Ainsworth stated this was because the caregiver had sensitivity to the infants needs
  • Outline insecure avoidant
    • Infants do not show proximity-seeking or secure-base behaviour
    • Little or no reaction is seen to caregivers leaving and little or no stranger anxiety is observed
    • Infants do not make an effort to seek a caregiver upon reunion; avoidance of caregiver is observed
    • Ainsworth stated that this was because the mother was insensitive to the needs of the infant and showed little interest
  • Outline insecure resistant
    • Infants show increased levels of proximity-seeking behaviour
    • High levels of stranger anxiety and separation distress
    • Infants resist comfort when reunited with their caregivers
    • Ainsworth stated this was because the mother was inconsistent to the child's needs
  • What were the results
    -securely attached: 66%
    -insecure resistant:12%
    -insecure avoidant:22%
  • what was the conclusion
    -key issue is sensitivity of the caregiver and this determines the attachment type