circuits current basics

Cards (31)

  • What's is current?
    The rate of flow of charge (e.g.electrons) around a circuit
  • When will current flow? (What 2 things needeed)
    If circuit is complete and if there's a potential differencr
  • What is the potential difference
    Work done(or energy transferred) by the charge. It's the driving force that pushes the charge around
  • What does power supply do
    Current can change direction
  • What's the difference between variable and fixed resistor
    Variable an change resistance
  • What does ammeter and voltmeter measure
    Ammeter measures current, voltmeter measures pid
  • What is the current in metals?

    Flow of electrons
  • What is electrical current?

    Rate of flow of charge
  • Doubling the potential difference doubles what?

    Current flowing through it
  • what is a voltmeter?
    measures potential difference and is connected in parallel with a component
  • what is p.d?
    energy transferred per unit charge passed
  • ammeter is connected in series with component to measure what?
  • what is power?
    energy transferred per second
  • Total current flowing into circuit =
    Total current flowing out
  • Total current of parallel circuit is the?
    Sum of the current through component of each branch
  • When closed circuit includes source of p.d what will there be?
  • What is resistance ?(measured in ohms)
    How difficult it is for current to floe
  • Variable resistor changes current. When I increase resistance what happens to current in circuit?
  • I'm fixed resistor what is current directly proportional too
    Potential difference
  • Filament lamps
    • Current flows through makes it heat up ad some energy transferred into thermal energy store of filament
    • P.d increases so tempature(so resistance)increases across filament
    • Lower current flows through filament at high p.d
  • What does this graph show?
  • What does resistance of diode depend on?
    Direction of current
  • Why can current in diode flow in one direction?
    Has high resistance in reverse direction
  • Thermistor
    Low tempatures = increased resistance
    High tempatures = lower resistance
  • What is thermistor used as because it changes resitance with tempature?
    Tempature sensors or thermostats
  • LDR(light dependent resistors) resistance depend on light intensity, what is it used in circuit as?
    Automatically turn on lights at night
  • Low light intensity = high resistance
    High light intensity = low resistance
  • What is diagram for
    Test resistance in different devices like: filament, diode,thermistor, LDR
  • Testing a filament light bulb or diode use variable resistor then draw graph of
    Current against p.d
  • Testing thermistor vary temp of thermistor and use
    Resistance against temperature
  • Testing LDR vary amount of light hitting LDR then draw graph of?
    Resistance against light intensity