The Burgess Model

Cards (6)

  • The Burgess Model: Also known as the Concentric zone model, was a Model that was created in 1925 by Ernest Burgess. It was based on Chicago & was based on the idea that land values are at their highest in the centre of a town or city.
  • CBD: Also known as the central business district, it is the center of the city.
  • The CBD is the oldest area of a city - but has many new buildings as due to areas being redeveloped. e.g the Bull-Ring shopping centre in Birmingham.
  • The buildings found in the CBD include: Department stores, offices, theatres and hotels.
  • The function of the CBD is to be the centre of Government and commercial activity in the city.
  • The land in the CBD is often too expensive to expand outwards, so many building are built upwards to maximise use of the amount of space available.