Cards (16)

  • Who is a notable feminist that views families as conservative institutions?
    Ann Oakley
  • What do feminists argue about the family in relation to patriarchy?
    Families preserve, support, and embed patriarchy
  • Which group do feminists believe benefits from the family structure?
  • What do liberal feminists focus on regarding family and gender?
    • Striving for legal equality between sexes
    • Addressing family as a source of inequality
    • Changing cultural values in society
  • When was marital rape recognized as a crime in the UK?
  • Why was marital rape not recognized as a crime before 1991?
    Marriage was seen to grant "conjugal rights"
  • How have divorce laws changed according to liberal feminists?
    They have been reformed for more equality
  • What do liberal feminists believe about the current state of gender equality?
    There is still inequality between the sexes
  • What do radical feminists believe about legal changes and women's oppression?
    Legal changes alone won't end oppression
  • What do radical feminists suggest women should do to avoid male oppression?
    Find alternative ways of living
  • How are girls socialized according to radical feminists?
    To accept oppression and inequality as normal
  • What do Marxist feminists argue about the family and capitalism?
    Families help preserve capitalism and patriarchy
  • How do families benefit the capitalist system according to Marxist feminists?
    Through unpaid female work supporting the workforce
  • What are some criticisms of feminist views on families and households?
    • Too negative and gloomy portrayal
    • Presenting women as too passive
    • Ideas may be outdated due to women's workforce participation
  • What do postmodern feminists argue against radical feminists' views?
    Women can resist oppression and assert power
  • How has the nature of family life changed according to some feminists?
    It has changed due to women's increased workforce participation