Evolution and 19th century responses

Cards (10)

  • Brief timeline of evolution
    - complex life forms
    - water plants
    - land plants
    - sea creatures
    - mammals
    - apes
    - humans
  • What did Lamarck believe?
    Animals evolve through the inheritance of acquired traits
  • What were Darwin's observations?
    Organisms produce more offspring than can survive. The offspring are not identical; variations exist. Depending upon the environment, some of the variations will help some of the offspring to survive better than others - the offspring with the desirable variations will prosper
  • Why was Darwin's On the Origins of Species so controversial?
    For the first time it suggested that a simple natural mechanism could explain the appearance of design by God
  • What is an example of an animal that adapted to its environment?
    Horses used to live in forests so they had multiple toes but as the land got drier they eventually formed a single hoof
  • How did Rev Charles Kingsley respond?
    He argued that Darwin was one of the most influential scientists of his day. Although he didn't feel educated enough to fully interpret Darwin's work, he acknowledged 2 key aspects. 1. Animals were not created separately. The idea of permanence of species was now dead and buried 2. God is so great that he created species that could self develop
  • What was the Huxley v Wilberforce debate?
    Wilberforce argued there was no evidence to suggest that there could be any change in species. Wilberforce asked Huxley whether it was through his grandmother or grandfather that he claimed his descent from an ape. Huxley supported Darwin's views. He responded by saying that he was less concerned about being related to an ape than to be connected with a man who used his great gifts to obscure the truth and bring ridicule into a scientific debate.
  • What is the interventionist approach?
    They argued that natural selection is not needed because when he wants to, God intervenes directly. God created humans in his image and the Bible is the word of God
  • 19th century responses to Darwin support him
    1. Charles Kingsley argued that permanence of species was not possible
    2. Charles Kingsley welcomed the idea that an omnipotent God created creatures able to self develop
    3. Huxley supported Darwin and claimed that inductive arguments had proven the adaptation of species
  • 19th century responses to Darwin do NOT support him
    1. Evangelical church leaders believe that animals and humans are separate
    2. Wilberforce argued back to Kingsleys notion of self development. It is not possible to self develop
    3. Wilberforce claimed that animals could not change. Genesis 1 was the word of God