due to all this society wasn’t content with wartime policies
What was the main threat?
Peasantry reisstinggrain requisitioning
Tambov uprising inspired others
1920 harvest was poor and little grain left peasants with nothing and high Bolshevik target levels were unrealistically high
Leftover green army caused havoc
the bolsheviks werent peasants and the peasants were Bolsheviks but aspired to become kulaks - capitalism - ideological difference turned them into enemies
what was the solution to the peasntry?
Sent in the red army
thousands of hostages and shot
around 240,000 died
poison ga used
introduced NEP
What was the opposition from the workers
severe shortages hit the workers
bread ration cut to 1/3
Moscow and Petrograd hit
chekha broke demonstrations as regular army wouldn’t fire
disliked militarised factories - worse than tsarist prison camp
unions turned into state intrsumnts for control
blamed communism
how do they tackle worker opposition?
introduce martial law
inject fear into society
chekha mushroomed and relied upon to impose order through violence
what was the problems with the Kronstadt base?
1917Trotsky said pride and joy of Russian revolution
demanded new elections with secret ballot, freedom of press, liberation of political prisoners, end grain requisitioning and end to terror
many were ex peasant who reconnected with peasant plight
What did the Kronstadt sailors highlight?
Flash that lit up reality
Their demands would have been accepted by Bolsheviks before power so highlighted how far the party had fallen
how was the krondsadt base tackled>
NEP - reactionary policy
50,000 crack troops enter and over 10,000 sailors killed
2500 shot by chekha execution squads
hundreds sent to labour camps
what were the issues within the party?
Alexandra and alex were unhappy were infiltration into unions
Felt Bolsheviks became dictatorial
Furious arguments emerge that challenged Lenin openlu
how did Lenin deal with party opposition?
10th party congress openly ridiculed opposition
ban on faction Is passed so once central committee agrees on policy it cannot be refuted or you're expelled from party
alexandra kicked out
chistka emerges and 220,000 members purged from the 3/4million who recruit during civil war
Mensheviks and SR outlawed
1921 - 5000 Mensheviks arrested and 34 SR leaders condemned in show trial with 11 killed
the workers strieks were defeated through the arrests and executions of leader