Durkheim on Deviance

Cards (20)

  • Who is often seen as the founding father of functionalist sociology?
  • How did Durkheim perceive society in his organic analogy?
    As akin to a human body
  • What does Durkheim argue about excessive deviance?
    It could indicate an unhealthy society
  • What are the two functions of deviance suggested by Durkheim?
    Boundary maintenance and social change
  • What is a value consensus according to Durkheim?
    A shared set of norms and values
  • How is the value consensus reinforced in society?
    Through policing of the margins
  • What role does shared disapproval of deviant behavior play in society?
    It strengthens social solidarity
  • What does Durkheim argue about deviance in a "society of saints"?
    There would still be deviance
  • How does deviance facilitate social change?
    By allowing society to respond positively
  • What does Durkheim suggest about the amount of deviance in society?
    Too much or too little is harmful
  • What type of solidarity did Durkheim associate with pre-industrial society?
    Mechanical solidarity
  • How does modern industrialized society affect deviance?
    It increases the likelihood of deviance
  • What is anomie according to Durkheim?
    Normlessness or absence of social control
  • What do realists criticize about Durkheim's view on crime?
    That crime is normal and functional
  • What do Marxists argue about Durkheim's consensus?
    It serves the interests of the ruling class
  • What do other functionalists note about Durkheim's explanation of crime?
    It doesn't explain individual criminal behavior
  • What is the term Durkheim uses to describe the absence of social control?
  • What does Durkheim's organic analogy imply about social institutions?
    They must function correctly for society's health
  • How does Durkheim view the relationship between deviance and social change?
    Deviance can initiate positive social change
  • What do critics argue about the sociology of crime and deviance?
    It should inform policy-makers on prevention