Dulce et Decorum Est

Cards (24)

  • Who is the author of "Dulce et Decorum Est"?
    Wilfred Owen
  • What is the main theme of "Dulce et Decorum Est"?
    The horrors of war and its impact
  • How does the poem depict soldiers' physical state?
    As exhausted and suffering from injuries
  • What imagery is used to describe the soldiers in the poem?
    They are compared to beggars and hags
  • What event causes panic among the soldiers in the poem?
    The gas attack
  • What does the phrase "an ecstasy of fumbling" refer to?
    The frantic struggle to put on gas masks
  • What does the imagery of "white eyes writhing" suggest about the soldier's condition?
    It indicates extreme suffering and pain
  • What does the poem suggest about the perception of war by those who glorify it?
    It criticizes the romanticized view of war
  • What Latin phrase is referenced in the poem?
    Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
  • What does the phrase "the old Lie" refer to in the poem?
    The idea that it is sweet and honorable to die for one's country
  • How does Owen convey the theme of innocence in the poem?
    By contrasting soldiers' experiences with naive perceptions of war
  • What does the poem imply about the impact of war on soldiers' mental health?
    It suggests severe psychological trauma, like PTSD
  • What literary technique is prevalent in "Dulce et Decorum Est"?
  • What are the key elements of the poem's structure and style?
    • Use of vivid imagery
    • Varied line lengths
    • Rhyme scheme
    • Strong emotional tone
  • How does Owen's experience as a soldier influence the poem?
    • Personal witness to war's brutality
    • Insight into soldiers' suffering
    • Critique of romanticized war narratives
  • How can "Dulce et Decorum Est" be related to modern discussions about war?
    • Highlights ongoing issues of PTSD
    • Critiques glorification of military service
    • Encourages reflection on war's true costs
  • What does the title "Dulce et Decorum Est" translate to?
    It is sweet and honorable
  • What perspective is used in "Dulce et Decorum Est"?
    First-person perspective
  • What emotional toll does the poem highlight regarding soldiers?
    Physical and emotional suffering from war
  • What does the imagery of "gargling from the froth corrupted lungs" emphasize?
    The grotesque nature of death in war
  • How does the poem critique propaganda used in war recruitment?
    By exposing the harsh realities faced by soldiers
  • What does "innocent tongues" suggest in the poem?
    The loss of youth and purity due to war
  • How does the tone of the poem shift towards the end?
    From somber to accusatory
  • What is the overall message of "Dulce et Decorum Est"?
    It serves as a powerful anti-war statement