The production of the first nuclei began 13.7 billion years ago in the Big Bang by nuclear reactions between protons and neutrons.
10-3 seconds after the Big Bang, the universe was at a temperature T~10^12 K.
Deuterons, the isotope 2 H, were created and rapidly destroyed by high energy photons known as gamma/γ-rays, achieving a state of equilibrium.
Following expansion of the universe, it cooled to T~10^9 K.
Gamma-ray energies associated with lower temperature/ thermal energy distribution fell below the deuteron binding energy of 2.22 MeV, causing deuterium to no longer be destroyed by photons.
Following the production of deuterium, 3 He, 4 He, and some 6 Li and 7 Li were also synthesised in the big bang.
Gamow thought all elements were produced in the Big Bang, but he was wrong.
The solution to the equation n(t) = n(0) exp ( υ q – 1)t/ τ is an exponential increase in neutron density and energy release for masses exceeding a critical mass, such as 52kg for a spherical sample of pure 235 U material, with a value τ ~ 10 - 8 s.
For υ q > 1, a steady source of energy is required corresponding to υ q – 1 = 0.
For a typical thermal reactor, τ ~ 10 - 3 s, making it a short time-scale to control fluctuations in energy production.
The fission reaction products themselves are a source of delayed neutrons.
The radioactive β - - decay process sometimes produces an excited state in the intermediate system 87 Kr that is above the neutron separation energy and a neutron is emitted.
The 87 Br lifetime is ~ 80s, allowing time to control the total neutron density (from prompt and delayed neutrons) in the reactor core by moving in and retracting control rods, which are made of B or Cd, strong neutron absorbers.
The abundances of these light elements are the earliest observational evidence we have relating to the big-bang.
Big-bang nucleosynthesis ended after ~3 minutes.
Cosmic microwave background radiation originates from ~300,000 years later by comparison.
The strong force binds the deuteron and nuclei in general.
Nuclei typically have a similar average binding energy per nucleon: B(N, Z)/A ~ 8 MeV.
The total volume binding energy is associated with binding energy in the bulk of the nuclear interior.
There is a gradual reduction in B (N, Z)/A beyond A>60.
The nucleus can be considered analogous to a spherical charged liquid drop with a total Coulomb potential energy α Q 2 / R (radius) α Z 2 / A 1/3.
The Z 2 dependence of the total volume binding energy is proportional to the total number of pairs of protons interacting with one another electrostatically.
The total volume binding energy only scales with the number of nucleons A, due to the short range nature of the strong force.
The line of nuclear stability represents the locus of nuclear stability as a function of N and Z.
There are 262 stable nuclei in nature but in total ~7000 isotopes, including unstable ones, are expected to exist.
Stable isotopes, corresponding to the most tightly bound configurations, have N=Z up to Z~20 and then a gradual excess of neutrons with increasing A.
N=Z represents the most bound configuration since nucleons will occupy the lowest energy levels in the ground-state configuration.
The energy of the highest occupied level is known as the Fermi Energy, E F, which can be estimated by considering the nucleus to be a Fermi gas of freely moving fermionic particles confined within a box of volume.
For neutrons, N/V = 1/3 π 2 * (2 m n E F / 2 ħ 2 ) 3/2, giving E F ~ 38 MeV.
Nucleons are typically moving at relatively low speeds (compared to c), and non-relativistic methods, such as the Schroedinger equation, can be applied.
The uncertainty in the energy of a quantum system, Δ E, is related to the time interval over which the system changes appreciably, Δ t, by Δ E Δ t ~ ħ.
All unstable quantum states have a finite (>0) energy uncertainty.
The nuclear potential can be modelled by the nucleon density distribution ρ(r).
The Woods-Saxon potential is a square well with rounded edges.
The constant density ρ0 inside all nuclei results in a constant nuclear potential V0 ~ 50 MeV.