Broken Window Theory

Cards (14)

  • Who concluded that community self-regulation impacts crime and deviance?
    James Q. Wilson
  • What does the "broken windows" in the theory symbolize?
    Neglect and tolerance of low-level deviance
  • In which city was the Broken Windows Theory famously applied in the 1990s?
    New York
  • What was the response of policy-makers to the Broken Windows Theory?
    Zero tolerance policing
  • What does "three strikes and you're out" refer to in the context of Broken Windows Theory?
    Serious sentences for repeated minor offences
  • What was the goal of enforcing severe penalties for low-level crime?
    To deter more serious crime
  • What was the observed impact of the policy in New York on crime rates?
    40% drop in overall crime
  • What was the percentage drop in homicide rates in New York?
    Over 50%
  • What are the two main criticisms of the Broken Windows policy?
    Coincidence with economic growth and justice issues
  • What do critics argue is a stronger driver of crime than broken windows?
    Social conditions
  • What does correlation not imply according to critics of Broken Windows Theory?
  • What is one criticism regarding the justice aspect of Broken Windows policy?
    Control without justice for minor misdemeanours
  • How did the Broken Windows policy disproportionately affect certain groups?
    Heavily impacted minority ethnic groups
  • How do supporters of the Broken Windows Theory respond to criticisms of police discretion?
    Zero tolerance should apply to all offenders