Folk Devils & Moral Panics

Cards (14)

  • Who conducted the research on folk devils and moral panics in 1972?
    Stan Cohen
  • What were the two youth subcultures involved in the fights studied by Cohen?
    Mods and rockers
  • What aspect of the events was Cohen particularly interested in?
    The media response to the events
  • What research methods did Cohen use in his study?
    Observation, content analysis, and interviews
  • What new concept did Cohen introduce into sociology?
    Folk devils
  • How does Cohen define a folk devil?
    A villain constructed by media narratives
  • What can the creation of folk devils lead to?
    A moral panic
  • What is a moral panic?
    An exaggerated reaction to a moral issue
  • What does the term "deviancy amplification" imply?
    The reaction creates the phenomenon itself
  • How did the media's portrayal of the fights affect police response?
    It led to a more forceful police response
  • What effect did media stories have on the individuals involved in the fights?
    They began to play the roles assigned to them
  • What motivated some people to join in the conflicts?
    To have their "five minutes of fame"
  • What are the key concepts introduced by Cohen in his study of moral panics?
    • Folk devils
    • Moral panics
    • Deviancy amplification
  • What is the relationship between media portrayal and societal reaction to deviance?
    • Media creates narratives
    • Societal reactions can amplify deviance
    • Reactions may lead to further conflicts