Labelling Theory

Cards (9)

  • Who developed the Strain Theory in 1963?
    Howard Becker
  • What does Becker state about deviance?
    Deviance is labeled by others, not inherent
  • What is the commonality among deviant acts according to Becker?
    They are labeled "deviant" by others
  • What aspect of deviant behavior does Becker focus on?
    Why behaviors are labeled as deviant
  • How does social context influence labeling according to Becker?
    It affects reactions to the same act
  • How is killing labeled in a war context?
    It may be labeled heroic
  • What label might a combatant receive if not part of a formal army?
    They may be labeled a terrorist
  • What does Becker suggest about consensus over labeling?
    There may be no consensus on labels
  • What phrase illustrates the subjective nature of labeling?
    One person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter