Subterranean Values & Drift

Cards (11)

  • Who presents the functionalist alternative to subcultural theories?
  • What does Matza suggest about "delinquent" values?
    We all share them but suppress them
  • When are people more likely to commit crime according to Matza?
    When they are young
  • How does Matza describe people's behavior in relation to conformity and deviance?
    People can "drift" between both
  • What evidence does Matza provide for subterranean values?
    People seek to "neutralise" their deviant acts
  • What do people do if they believe their deviant behavior is appropriate?
    They do not seek to justify it
  • What are "techniques of neutralisation" according to Matza?
    Methods to justify deviant behavior
  • What criticism is made about the "techniques of neutralisation"?
    They may be excuses to avoid punishment
  • What is suggested about a criminal's awareness of societal norms?
    They can be aware without sharing beliefs
  • What does Matza argue about socialization into norms and values?
    People are socialized into the value consensus
  • How does Matza's view differ from the idea of minority norms and values?
    He believes in shared values across society