save my exams breeding and genetic modifying

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  • why is a tissue culture important
    important to preserve rare plant species. commercial benefit nurseries
  • why plant crops genetically engineered
    increase resistance to disease. produce better bigger fruits and vegetables
  • characteristics plants selectively bred for
    disease resistance food crops. development large unique flowers. increase crop yield. tolerance to weather conditions ie drought or frost. improve taste and nutritional quality fruit
  • what is a tissue culture
    small groups of cells from part of plant used grow identical new plants
  • two characteristics animals selectively bred for
    high milk or meat production of livestock ie cow. docile temperament domestic dogs. high quality wool sheep. large egg laying chickens. physical features and performance abilities horse
  • how most mutations affect phenotype
    most not affect phenotype bc protein produce by mutated gene might work just as well as original gene
  • how long does selective breeding take
    happens over many generations. faster than natural selections species chosen at start to breed
  • benefits of genetic engineering agriculture and medicine
    plants resistant to disease. gm crops yield increase. reduced use pesticides and herbicides. produce useful substances ie insulin diabetes. overcome inherited disorders
  • why is it important to maintain genetic diversity
    resilience to disease. good health. adaptability of breeds overtime
  • what is an embryo transplant
    splitting a part cells from developing animal embryo before become specialised. transplant identical embryos to host mother
  • environmental variation examples
    scarring accidents. weight gain from diet and lifestyle. language and accent from raised country. plant grow taller in shade reach more light
  • problems selective breeding
    inbreeding. which reduce genetic diversity within population. increase risk inheriting harmful genetic defects. more susceptible new diseases
  • steps adult cell cloning
    nucleus removed from unfertilised egg. nucleus from adult body cell inserted into egg. electric shock stimulate egg cell divide and form embryo. embryo have same dna as adult body cell. when embryo develop into ball cells inserted into uterus of adult female to develop
  • how can genes and environment together affect characteristic
    genes give characteristic inherit. environment affect how inherited characteristics develop.
  • what factors contribute to environment variation
    climate. diet. accidents. culture. lifestyle
  • main steps genetic engineering
    enzymes isolate required gene. gene inserted into vector ( virus, bacteria ). vector used insert gene into required cells. genes transferred to cells of animals
  • what is cutting plant cloning
    method used by gardeners produce many identical new plants from parent plant. part of plant cut off and used grow genetically identical plant
  • what are the risks of genetic engineering agriculture and medicine
    wildflower and insect population reduced. reduced biodiversity. herbicide resistance gm crops only effective on one type of herbicide. increased dependency on herbicide