
Cards (7)

  • The Berlin Wall solved the refugee crisis for East Germany, which now controlled who could leave and enter East Berlin.
  • West Berlin remained under Allied control, making it harder for the Soviets to control the whole of East Germany.
  • The number of military alerts in Berlin decreased as the situation there became less tense.
  • The Berlin Wall was a humiliation for the USSR and a propaganda victory for the West, as it appeared a wall was needed to prevent people fleeing.
  • The Berlin Wall had both positive and negative effects on the relationship between the USA and the USSR: it solved the crisis over Berlin, reduced tension, and there were fewer military alerts in Berlin as the situation had stabilised.
  • The building of the Berlin Wall began on the 12th-13th August, 1961.
  • The two main reasons for the building of the Berlin Wall were: to prevent East German people defecting to West Berlin and to keep capitalism and spies from the West out, according to the Soviets and the East German government.