1. Person gives a urine sample. If they are pregnant, their urine should contain hCG.2. Reaction site= If hCG is present, it will bind to the free antibody, which has an enzyme attached to it.3. Test site= hCG bound to the free antibody enters the test site.= Here, the hCG-free antibody complex will bind to another fixed antibody using the hCG=This will bring the enzyme (attached to the complex) close to a dye substrate - a reaction occurs, causing a colour change.4. Control site=There is fixed antibody in the control site.=This will bind to any free antibody (not bound to hCG), and cause a colour change here.If a person is not pregnant, the free antibody moves through the test site, and instead binds to the fixed antibody in the control site, causing a colour change here.If a person is pregnant, the hCG-free antibody complex will form in the reaction site, and this complex binds in the test site, causing a colour change here. Some free antibody will still pass to the control site, so you will see two stripes.