Alpine regions: Cold, mountainous regions with snowy conditions and warmer summers.
Biodiversity: A large variety of animal and plant life living in the same ecosystem.
Climate: The long term weather conditions of an area.
Cold environment: Regions of the Earth that experience sustained below freezing temperatures.
Environmental fragility: The concept of an ecosystem being so sensitive to change that even small changes within the environment can have large and potentially destructive impacts.
Tundra regions: Areas at high latitudes, characterised by permafrost, low temperatures and short growing seasons.
Interdependence: The concept of multiple things depending on each other for survival.
Permafrost: Ground that is permanently frozen for at least two consecutive years.
Polar regions: Areas surrounding the poles (90 °N and 90 °S).
Soil: The upper layer of the Earth which is composed of organic matter and other materials.
Wilderness: An area that is untouched by humans, and therefore remains unaffected by human activity.