Computer science 2.2

Cards (70)

  • Variable
    A value stored in memory that can change while the program is running.
  • Constant
    A value that does not change while the program is running ,and is assigned when the program is designed.
  • Assignment
    Giving a variable or a constant a value
  • Casting
    Converting a variable from one data type to another.Eg integer to string.A variable can be a real/float, character, integer, String,Boolean
  • Input
    A value is read from an input device eg keyboard
  • Output
    Data generated by the computer and displayed to the user
  • Advantages of constants
    1. They make a program easier to read as usually declared and assigned at the top of the program.
    2. Constants can easily be changed by the programmer in one place in a program.Instead of changing every instance of a value throughout a program.This leads to less chance of errors
    3. The complier can optimise the code.This makes a program run more quickly if constants are used instead of variables
  • Why is casting needed
    Inputs form the keyboard are always characters. Multiple characters are called a string. However to perform a calculation the arithmetic logic unit must use numbers. Therefore a string has to be "cast" to a number. Makes sense as the character 1 is stored as the binary number 00110001(using the ASCII character set).The number 1 that the arithmetic logic unit needs for calculation is stored as the binary number 0000001.
  • Integers to real

    Integers require less bits of memory than decimal point numbers. Integers would make the program more memory efficient. However it may be necessary to cast an integer to a real in a program. Some commands also require data in a particular data type.
  • Integer
    Whole number
    Positive or Negative
    eg 6
    Never used for telephone numbers only when arithmetic on the data is required
  • Real/float
    Numbers with a decimal point
    eg 6.5
  • Character
    Single alphanumeric
    Use for menu choices
    eg "1" or "a"
    Use: Choice=input("enter your choice")
  • String
    Multiple alphanumeric characters
    Use for words and telephone numbers
  • Sequence
    Sequence is executing one instruction after another
  • Selection(Branching)
    Selection is a program branching depending on a condition
  • Selection(branching) aware for exam

    Some programming languages support SWITCH/SELECT...CASE statements.Here a program can branch in more than directions depending on the value.
  • Iteration(looping)
    Repeating sections of code.FOR loops (known as counter controlled loops)are used when the number of iterations needed is known ahead of the iteration executing.
  • Iteration(looping) different loops
    WHILE loops(Condition controlled loops) are used when the number of iterations is not known because the variable used to determine when the iteration ends is changing within the iteration itself.
    Do..UNTIL loops are alternative to WHILE where the code executes at leat once before the condition is checked
  • Common comparison operators
  • Common arithmetic operators
  • Boolean operators

  • example of Boolean Not operator
    while not end_of_file.
    The same as while end_of_file==false:
    Use an umbrella if it is raining but NOT cold.
  • example of Boolean AND operator

    while not end_of_file and not found
    Wear a coat if it's raining and cold
  • example of Boolean OR operator

    if x==2 or x==4
    while choice<1 or choice>3
    Catch a bus if it's raining or cold.
  • Create an infinite loop
    While loop
  • What can variables and constants hold
    integer, Real/Float,Character,String,Boolean
  • Importance of casting
    Necessary so that sub-problems receive data in expected format. Casting allows numbers to be manipulated as strings. Casting allows inputs that are always strings to become numbers.
    x=str(X) casts the variable x to a string
    x=int(x) casts the variable x to an integer
  • To get the length of a string
    Returns the length of a string eg length=string.length
  • Converting Cases
  • To extract a substring
    Returns part of a string ,starting at the character of the first parameter and counting up by the number in the second parameter .
    String name.substring(starting position, number of characters)
    Chars=string.substring(3,1) hello returns "l"
  • To extract from the left or right of a string
    Returns to the left most or right most characters from a string where the parameter indicates how many to return.
    Eg left = string.left(8)string ComputerScience returnComputer
    Eg right = string.right(7)string ComputerScience returnScience
  • Concatenation
    + joins separate string values together
    eg print(stringA + stringB)
  • ASCII Conversion
    Returns the ASCII value of a character .Returns a character from its ASCII number.ASC(),CHR()
    eg ASC(character) ascii=ASC("A") CHR=(ascii number) char=CHR(65) eg Ascii would be 65 eg char would be "A"
  • Example of ASCII conversion
    someText="computer science"
    print(someText.length) 16
  • Get the length of the string
  • Cases of a string
    U string=string.upper()
    l string=string.lower()
  • Substring of a string
  • Stages to write data to a file
    Open the file for creating/overwriting or appending to a file
    Write the data to a file
    Close the file
  • Stages to read data from a file
    Open the file for reading data
    Assign a boolean variable to "false" to indicate that the end of the file is not reached.While the end of the file is false and the search item is not found:read the data from the file.If the data matches what is being searched for ,assign the data to variables or output.Check if the end of the file is reached and assign the boolean variable to "true".Close the file
  • open