Organic chemistry focuses on the chemistry of compounds containing carbon.
Structure, bonding and chemical reactions involving functional group interconversions are key strands in organic chemistry.
Key organic reaction types include nucleophilic substitution, electrophilic addition, electrophilic substitution, and redox reactions.
Reaction mechanisms vary and help in understanding the different types of reaction taking place.
Compound C resists further oxidation by acidified potassium manganate(VII).
Compound D is reacted with dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide to produce compound E with a formula of C4H10O.
Compound E does not react with acidified potassium manganate(VII).
The structural formulas for compounds A, B, C, D, and E are deduced.
The equation for the reaction between propanoic acid and methanol is deduced.
The catalyst in the reaction between propanoic acid and methanol is identified and the name of the organic compound, X, formed is stated.
Organic synthesis is the systematic preparation of a compound from a widely available starting material or the synthesis of a compound via a synthetic route that often can involve a series of different steps.
When comparing the boiling points of different classes of compound, it is important to choose molecules that have similar molar mass.
Alcohols undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions with acids, also called esterification or condensation, and some undergo oxidation reactions.
Halogenoalkanes are more reactive than alkanes and can undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions.
A nucleophile is an electron-rich species containing a lone pair that it donates to an electron-deficient carbon.
Addition polymers consist of a wide range of monomers and form the basis of the plastics industry.
Benzene does not readily undergo addition reactions but does undergo electrophilic substitution reactions.
Stereoisomerism involves isomers which have different arrangements of atoms in space but do not differ in connectivity or bond multiplicity (i.e., whether single, double, or triple) between the isomers themselves.
Organic chemistry is one of the major branches of chemistry, including the study of all biological molecules, fossil fuels, synthetic materials, and many domestic and industrial products.
An organic compound is a compound that contains carbon and, in nearly all cases, also contains hydrogen in a covalently bonded structure.
When there is some constraint in a molecule that restricts the free rotation of substituted groups, they become fixed in space relative to each other.
The reference plane is perpendicular to the sigma bonds and passes through the double bond.
Cycloalkanes contain a ring of carbon atoms that restricts rotation.
The bond angles in cycloalkanes are strained from the tetrahedral angles in the parent alkane.
Cis refers to the isomer that has the same groups on the same side of the double bond or ring, while trans is the isomer that has the same groups on opposite sides, or across the reference plane.
Cis–trans isomerism plays an important role in the chemistry of vision, as light causes a photochemical transformation between the isomers of the pigment rhodopsin.
Cis–trans isomerism is a concern in the margarine industry, where partial hydrogenation of fats leads to the production of trans fats, associated with some negative health effects.
A widely used chemotherapy drug used in the treatment of cancer is cis-platin, the activity of which is dependent on its stereochemistry.
Stereoisomers differ from each other in the spatial arrangement of their atoms.
Other elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, and sulfur are often also present, but it is carbon that is the key.
Carbon forms four strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms or with other elements, especially hydrogen.
Reaction mechanism involves attacking species, reactive site in molecule, electrophilic addition, electrophile, halogens, X—X, pi bond in alkene, C π, C ⃗, dihalogenoalkane, C X C X, hydrogen halides, H — X, halogenoalkane, C H C X.
Electrophilic substitution involves electrophile, nitronium NO 2 +, delocalized pi ring in benzene, π, nitrobenzene, NO, nucleophilic substitution involves hydroxide OH –δ+ in C — X of halogenoalkanes, C X d +, free-radical mechanism involves free radical from halogen X, C — H bond in alkane, halogenoalkane, C X.
Reduction involves H – (hydride ion) δ+ in C == O, carboxylic acid, aldehyde, ketone, primary alcohol, C H H OH, secondary alcohol, C R H OH.
Synthetic routes involve starting material, discrete steps, functional group interconversions, and can cover any of the reactions covered in Topic 10 and Section 20.1.
Understandings of synthetic routes include that the synthesis of an organic compound stems from a readily available starting material via a series of discrete steps, and that functional group interconversions are the basis of such synthetic routes.
Retro-synthesis of organic compounds involves working backwards from the desired product, known as the target molecule, to identify precursors and determine the synthetic sequence.
Corey introduced the term retrosynthetic analysis to describe the systematic backwards approach of retro-synthesis.
Retro-synthesis has led to the efficient syntheses of thousands of molecules and is a major aspect of the pharmaceutical and other industries.
A bond sticking forwards from the page is shown as a solid, enlarging wedge, whereas a bond sticking behind the page is shown as a hashed line.