Police & Policing

Cards (13)

  • What is the main topic area within the study of crime and deviance discussed in the material?
    Police and Policing
  • How do sociologists view the role of police in society?
    As agents of social control
  • What are the two broad approaches to studying police and policing in sociology?
    Consensus policing and conflict policing
  • What is the perspective of functionalist sociologists on police?
    • Police come from the community
    • Work on behalf of the community
    • General agreement on law and order
    • Police presence is reassuring
  • What do left realists recognize about the reality of policing?
    It differs from the ideal model
  • What is the Marxist perspective on conflict policing?
    • Police are a hostile outside force
    • Not part of the community
    • Serve the interests of the ruling class
    • Oppose the interests of the proletariat
  • Which studies support the conflict policing model?
    Studies by Young (1984) and Scraton (1985)
  • What was evident in policing during the 1980s according to the conflict policing perspective?
    Military style policing
  • What are "no go areas" in relation to policing?
    Neighborhoods where police presence is limited
  • How do police typically appear in neighborhoods considered "no go areas"?
    In large numbers with armored vehicles
  • How does the conflict policing perspective view the relationship between police and the proletariat?
    Police work against the interests of the proletariat
  • What is the role of police discretion in crime measurement?
    It affects how crime is reported and recorded
  • How do police statistics influence the understanding of crime?
    They shape perceptions of crime rates