Cards (17)

  • What is a key purpose of punishment according to sociologists?
    To rehabilitate the offender
  • How does rehabilitation serve the purpose of punishment?
    It ensures offenders reform and avoid future crimes
  • What role does deterrence play in punishment?
    It discourages others from committing similar crimes
  • What is the relationship between significant punishments and rational choice in deterrence?
    Severe punishments should discourage rational offenders
  • What is incapacitation in the context of punishment?
    Preventing crime by physically restricting offenders
  • What is the most extreme form of incapacitation?
    The death sentence
  • How are fines used as a form of punishment?
    To cover the cost of damage caused
  • What is restorative justice?
    Encouraging offenders to make amends for wrong-doing
  • What is the societal view on retribution in punishment?
    It is about the criminal paying for their crime
  • What do right realists emphasize regarding punishment?
    The deterrent role of punishment
  • What do left realists emphasize in the context of punishment?
    The importance of restorative justice
  • How does the sociology of punishment relate to power and stratification?
    Those who punish hold power over offenders
  • What role does surveillance play in the sociology of punishment?
    It reflects power dynamics in society
  • How do postmodernists view power relations in contemporary society?
    They focus on complex power dynamics beyond police
  • Who conducts surveillance in contemporary society?
    Both state and private organizations
  • How does awareness of surveillance affect individuals?
    It reduces their power and free will
  • What is the primary focus of the sociology of punishment?
    Understanding the purpose and effects of punishment