crime and corruption

Cards (5)

  • Volstead Act
    • January 1920
    • the manufacture, sale and transport of alcohol was prohitibited/banned.
    • america was now officially 'dry'
  • WCTM: women's christian temperace movement
    argued that there was a clear link between alcohol and domestic violence . christians believed that alcohol consumption linked to sinful behaviour.
    • alcohol was against the Christian values of hard work and family value.
  • Anti-Saloon League
    • argued that prohibition was anti-patriotic
    alcohol made workers late and unproductive, weakening the US economy.
  • 1934 - the 21st amendment ended Prohibition in 1933.
  • 1851: Maine became the first state to pass prohibition. by 1917, 2/3 of states, mostly in the south and west, had passed prohibition laws.