Cards (14)

  • What are state crimes?
    Crimes committed by governments
  • How did Penny Green and Tony Ward define state crimes?
    Illegal activities by state agencies
  • What is more likely when governments break laws?
    They break international law
  • What is transgressive criminology concerned with?
    Causing harm rather than breaking the law
  • Who divided state crimes into four types?
    Eugene McLaughlin
  • What are the four types of state crime identified by Eugene McLaughlin?
    Security crimes, economic crimes, social crimes, practical crimes
  • What is the first reaction in the spiral of denial regarding human rights abuses?
    To deny that anything occurred
  • What follows the denial stage in the spiral of denial?
    Questioning the version of events
  • What is the final stage of the spiral of denial?
    Justifying the abuse that occurred
  • How does Matza's techniques of neutralisation relate to state crimes?
    They can be applied to state crimes
  • What are the concerns regarding the definition of state crimes?
    • Parameters of what constitutes state crime
    • Difficulty in limiting crime to specific laws
    • Debate over harm versus legal transgressions
  • What do some critics argue about human rights discourses?
    They can be ethnocentric
  • Why is it difficult to justify human rights arguments in some contexts?
    Local norms may conflict with human rights
  • What is the purpose of a discourse of human rights?
    To challenge and change societal values