Globalisation & Crime

Cards (19)

  • What is globalisation?
    The process of global interconnectedness
  • What do hyperglobalists believe about globalisation?
    It is a positive process improving society
  • What do pessimistic globalists argue about globalisation?
    It leads to cultural imperialism and homogenization
  • Who are traditionalists in the context of globalisation?
    Those unconvinced that globalisation is happening
  • How do postmodernists view globalisation?
    As a significant feature of contemporary society
  • What impact does globalisation have on crime?
    Crime is becoming increasingly global in nature
  • What trans-national business crimes are listed?
    Tax evasion and money laundering
  • What travel-related crimes are mentioned?
    People trafficking, drug trafficking, smuggling
  • How does globalisation contribute to unemployment in developed countries?
    By exporting jobs to developing countries
  • What do left realists suggest is a significant cause of crime?
    Relative deprivation due to unemployment
  • What evidence supports the link between industrial decline and crime rates?
    High crime rates in areas of industrial decline
  • How is contemporary terrorism viewed in relation to globalisation?
    As a reaction to globalisation's effects
  • What do pessimistic globalists believe about the USA's influence?
    It creates a homogeneous monoculture globally
  • What historical context do left realists provide regarding crime rates?
    Crime rates were lower in the 1930s
  • What do left realists argue drives crime more than poverty?
    Relative deprivation rather than poverty itself
  • What do critics of left realists argue about crime drivers?
    Other factors like welfare dependency drive crime
  • What are the main perspectives on globalisation and crime?
    • Hyperglobalists: Positive impact on society
    • Pessimistic globalists: Negative cultural imperialism
    • Traditionalists: Skeptical of globalisation's existence
    • Postmodernists: Significant contemporary feature
  • What are the types of crimes associated with globalisation?
    1. Cyber-crime
    2. International terrorism
    3. Identity theft
    4. Tax evasion
    5. Money laundering
    6. People trafficking
    7. Drug trafficking
    8. Smuggling
  • What are the socio-economic impacts of globalisation on crime?
    • Job exportation leads to unemployment
    • Relative deprivation as a crime driver
    • Evidence of high crime in industrial decline areas