Statistics on Gender & Crime

Cards (19)

  • What is the general trend in crime rates between genders?
    Men commit more crimes than women
  • What type of crimes are men more likely to commit?
    Violent crimes, including murder
  • Why are sociologists interested in gender differences in crime?
    To investigate reasons for differing offending rates
  • What does sex role theory suggest about gender and crime?
    Men and women are socialized differently
  • What is a characteristic of "normal" masculinity according to sex role theory?
    More open to criminality
  • How does socialization affect criminality according to the text?
    Tough socialization leads to higher criminality
  • What are the explanations for gender differences in criminality?
    • Sex role theory
    • Marginalization
    • Control theory
  • What does the marginalization theory suggest about women's crime rates?
    Women commit fewer crimes due to marginalization
  • How does control theory explain gender differences in crime?
    Women are controlled more than men
  • Who proposed the idea that girls are controlled by their fathers?
    Frances Heidensohn
  • What change in society could explain the rise in female criminality?
    Increased independence of young women
  • What is the chivalry thesis in relation to crime statistics?
    Male officers protect women from justice
  • What does Otto Pollack argue about women's criminality?
    Women commit crimes but are better liars
  • How does Carol Smart critique traditional criminology?
    It focuses too much on male perspectives
  • What are the criticisms of the chivalry thesis?
    • Increasing female workers in justice system
    • Judges often view women as doubly deviant
  • What are the contrasting views on women's roles in crime according to sociologists?
    • Feminists argue for patriarchal control
    • Liberal feminists argue for achieved equality
  • What does S. Jones (2008) suggest about women in prison?
    They are often co-defendants with men
  • What is the main focus of liberationist feminists regarding crime?
    Changes in gender roles affecting crime rates
  • How do functionalists view masculinity in relation to crime?
    As context-specific within subcultures