Statistics on Social Class & Crime

Cards (28)

  • What do sociologists study regarding social class and crime?
    Why some classes commit more crimes
  • How do different sociologists approach social class?
    Through socio-economic status and job roles
  • What do traditional Marxists focus on in social class?
    The bourgeoisie and the proletariat
  • What data do police and the Crime Survey of England and Wales lack?
    Direct data on offenders' social class
  • What does data suggest about working-class individuals and crime?
    They are more likely to commit crime
  • What types of crimes are middle-class individuals more likely to commit?
    Fraud or tax evasion
  • What do functionalist and Marxist theories explain about crime?
    Why working-class individuals commit more crimes
  • Who developed the idea of an underclass?
    Charles Murray
  • What did Charles Murray suggest about the welfare state?
    It created welfare dependency and perverse incentives
  • What did Melanie Philips blame for the 2011 riots?
    The Labour Party's social experiment
  • What percentage of the working-age UK population receives out-of-work benefits?
  • What percentage of adults prosecuted after the 2011 riots were on benefits?
  • What demographic made up 90% of the rioters prosecuted?
  • What might the statistics from the 2011 riots support?
    Functionalist and left realist explanations
  • What do left realists point to regarding low-income families?
    Relative deprivation and social exclusion
  • What do Marxists argue about wealthy crimes and statistics?
    They often go unreported in statistics
  • What is white-collar crime?
    Crimes committed by the middle class
  • Why are white-collar crimes less likely to result in convictions?
    They are harder to detect
  • What does corporate crime refer to?
    Crimes committed by companies
  • What is a common type of corporate crime?
    Fraud or tax evasion
  • How have corporate crimes historically been treated?
    Not routinely prosecuted
  • What do ecological explanations for crime examine?
    Crime distribution among geographical locations
  • What is the "tipping point" in crime theory?
    A point where crime escalates in an area
  • What is the nocturnal economy?
    Growth of nightlife leading to crime
  • What did Hobbs and Lister study in relation to crime?
    The timing of when crimes occur
  • What was the impact of the 2005 licensing law on crime?
    Pushed violent crime times back
  • How are white-collar and corporate crimes treated in recent years?
    More seriously with media interest
  • What might happen to wealthy criminals in the justice system?
    They might be treated more severely