Lipids are compounds that are soluble in alcohol but insoluble in water
Lipids contain:
smaller amounts of oxygen
Lipids consists of glycerol and fattyacids
One glycerol consists on threecarbons, threeOH groups, and fivehydrogen atoms
Fatty acids consists of a carboxyl end (acid end) and a hydrocarbon tail
Fatty acids can be saturated or unsaturated
Describe unsaturated fatty acids:
found in plants
doublebondbetweentwocarbons ∴ fewerhydrogenatoms
onedoublebond = monounsaturated
more double bonds = polyunsaturated - changes its shape, moleculesarefurther apart, increased fluidity, lowermeltingpointandboilingpoint
Describe saturated fatty acids:
found in animals
molecules are packed closelytogether,high melting and boiling point
Glycerol is an alcohol
Triglycerides are the most common type of lipids in the body
Triglycerides are macromolecues
State the functions of Lipids/ Triglycerides:
electrical/thermal insulation
Explain how lipids store energy:
They store energy withoutaffectingwater potential, preventingosmosis and swelling because its insoluble in water
Lipids act as a source of energy for respiration
Lipids are used for buoyancy in adipose tissue which stores fat. Fat is less dense than water
Lipids are used for protection as they store fat around organs which act as shock absorbers
Glycerol and fatty acids are joined together by esterbonds: esterification
Name three types of lipids:
cholesterol - steroids
Triglycerides consist of oneglycerol and threefattyacids
Phospholipids consist of one glycerol, two fatty acids and a hydrophilicphosphate group
In phospholipids, one fatty acid contains a phosphoric acid molecule: H3PO4-
A hydrocarbon tail is amphipathic : a hydrophilic (polar) head and a hydrophobic (non-polar) tail
Since a hydrocarbon is amphipathic, it may form micelles: tinyballswithtailstuckedawayinside while the head points outwardstowardswater
Steroids/ cholesterol are not made from glycerol and fatty acids
Steroids/ cholesterol consists of four carbonbasedrings or isopreneunits which are small and hydrophobic
Steroids/ cholesterol are made in the liver in animals
Animals in coldenvironments have less cholesterol in their cell membranes
State the functions of cholesterol:
regulate fluidity
produce vitamin D
produces bile
produces steroid hormones
Describe cholesterol:
four carbon based rings or isoprene units - small and hydrophobic
madeinthe liver inanimals
makes steroid hormones
Function: acts as a buffer, can sit in the middle of a bilayer to the tail or head, increasing the packing of the membrane, toregulateitsfluidity, producesvitaminDandbile
in plants, stigmasterol (contains a double bond between C22 and C23) is derived from the cell membrane
What is the name of the test for lipids?
Emulsion test
Describe the emulsion test: CHECK MINDMAP
Place the sample in a boiling tube with ethanol
Shake well and leave for 2 to 3 minutes
Pour the solution into a boiling tube containing distilled water
If a lipid is present, a whitemilkylayer will form
An emulsion is when small droplets of a substance are suspended in another solution
An emulsion is when small droplets of a substance are suspended in another solution
Phospholipids are macromolecules
State the two macromolecules of lipids:
Lipids do not form polymers
Cholesterol is a sterol
Esterification in triglycerides releases threewatermolecules
Esterification in phospholipids produces twowatermolecules
Lipids can be used for energy storage in the form of triglycerides