Everyday Use

Cards (16)

  • Who is the author of Everyday Use?
    Alice Walker
  • When was Alice Walker born?
    February 9, 1944
  • Where was Alice Walker born?
  • When was Everyday Use published?
  • When is Everyday Use set?
    late 60s to early 70s
  • How does Maggie walk?
    Like an animal that has been run over
  • How long ago did the other house burn?
    10-12 years
  • Why didn't Mama have an education?
    After 2nd grade her school closed down
  • What POV is Everyday Use written in?
    First person
  • Who is the narrator of Everyday Use?
  • What does Dee change her name to?
    Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo
  • Who was burned in the house fire?
  • Why does Dee change her name?
    To not be named after her white oppressors
  • Who does Mama give the quilts to?
  • Why does Mama give the quilts to Maggie?
    She promised them to Maggie when she gets married.
  • Which event is presented as a flashback?
    The house fire