Cards (3)

  • Urban heat island effect:
    • Urban areas tend to have higher surface and air temperature than surrounding suburban and rural areas due to:
    • Lower albedo: concrete/asphalt absorb more sun's energy than areas with more vegetation
    • Less evapotranspiration: water evaporating from surfaces and transpiration from plants carries heat from surfaces into the atmosphere
    • Cools off rural and suburban areas which have more vegetation
  • Thermal inversion:
    • Normally the atmosphere is warmest at the earth's surface, and cool as altitude rises
    • Because warm air rises, air convection carries air pollutants away from earth's surface and distributes them higher into the atmosphere
    • During a thermal inversion, a cooler air mass becomes trapped near earth's surface (inverting normal gradient)
    • Because cool air at the surface is trapped beneath the warmer mass above it, convection doesn't carry pollutants up and away
  • Effects of thermal inversion:
    • air pollutants (smog, PM, ozone, SO2, NOx) trapped closer to earth
    • respiratory irritation
    • decreased tourism revenue
    • decreased photosynthesis