Hagar and Ishmael

Cards (21)

  • Sarai gave Hagar , her maid to Abram so that she can bear him a child
  • Hagar convinced and began to despise Sarai. Sarai treated Hagar harsh and Hagar ran away
  • While in the wilderness a angel came to Hagar by a spring and asked her where she came from . Hagar said that she was fleeing from Sarai and the angel told her to return to Sarai , that she will have many descendants , and that she will have a son called Ishmael
  • The angel said that Ishmael will be like a wild man . Hagar returned home and gave birth to Ishmael . Abram was 80 years old when Ishmael was born.
  • What is Doubt?
    a feeling of uncertainty or lack of condition
  • What does circumcision mean?
    To surgically remove the skin around the tip of the males penis
  • To show that Abram agreed with the covenant, Abraham had to circumcise every male among him. From every baby boy who was eight days old to slaves born in his household and foreign ones
  • God changed Abram and Sarai's name to...?
    Abraham and Sarah
  • God said that Sarai will then have a son named Isaac
  • What circumcision means for Jews:
    • Sign of covenant God made with Abram
    • Sign of cleanliness
    • Sign of salvation
  • Meaning of Names:
    • Abraham- Father of many nations
    • Sarah- Princess / Mother of many nations
    • Isaac - Laughter
    • Ishmael- God hears
  • One day, Three men visited Abraham. Abraham washed their feet and Sarah gave them something to eat . One of the men told Abraham that when they return after nine months Sarah will have a son
  • Sarah laughed and said that she was to old but when the men asked her why she laughed she denied it.
  • Ishmael was playing rough with Isaac one day and because of this Sarah told Abraham to send them away . Abraham did not want to do this but God told him to listen to Sarai.
  • Hagar and Ishmael are sent off with water and some food
  • As they wandered in the wilderness the water was gone and Hagar began to cry as the thought Ishmael would die
  • God sent out an angel to tell Hagar the he heard her cry and that He will make Ishmael a great nation . When she opened her eyes she saw a well with water
  • Hagar and Ishmael lived in the wilderness and he grew into a skillful hunter
  • Hagar got an Egyptian wife for Ishmael
  • God asked Abraham to demonstrate his obedience to him by taking his only son Isaac to Mount Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice.
  • As Abraham was About to use the knife to sacrifice Isaac on the altar God sent an angel to stop Abraham. The angel told that God knows that he honours and obeys HIm by not withholding to sacrifice his son. God instead sent a ram that was caught in the bush for the sacrifice and told Abraham that He would bless him with many descendants and his children would rule over their enemies and all nations would be blessed because of them.