Cards (9)

  • What substance do tracheid cell walls contain?
  • What are the properties of lignin in tracheid cell walls?
    Hard, strong, and waterproof
  • What are the gaps in tracheid cell walls called?
  • How does water travel through tracheids?
    Through pits in a twisting path
  • Why is the path of water through tracheids less efficient?
    It takes a twisting path rather than straight
  • What type of plant has become dominant on Earth due to efficient water movement?
  • What is the difference in water movement between tracheids and vessels?
    • Tracheids: twisting path, less efficient
    • Vessels: straight path, more efficient
  • What shape are tracheids?
  • What is the significance of the twisting path of water in tracheids?
    • Less efficient water transport
    • Contributes to angiosperms' dominance