
Cards (138)

  • What was the Cold War?
    A struggle between the USA and USSR
  • When was the term "Cold War" first used?
    In 1947
  • What characterized the Cold War?
    A war of words, propaganda, and threats
  • What are proxy wars?
    Conflicts where superpowers support allies
  • What were the differing ideologies of the USA and USSR?
    USA was democratic and capitalist; USSR was communist
  • What did the USSR fear about the West?
    That the West wanted to destroy communism
  • Why did Stalin distrust the West?
    Due to past invasions and appeasement of Hitler
  • What was The Grand Alliance?
    An alliance of USSR, USA, and Britain
  • What was agreed upon at the Yalta Conference?
    Germany to be divided into four zones
  • What was a major disagreement at the Yalta Conference?
    Free elections in Poland
  • Who were the leaders at the Potsdam Conference?
    Stalin, Truman, and Attlee
  • What was Truman's stance at the Potsdam Conference?
    He was fiercely anti-communist
  • What did Stalin demand at the Potsdam Conference?
    Harsh reparations from Germany
  • When did the USA successfully test its first atomic bomb?
    On August 16, 1945
  • How did the atomic bomb test affect Stalin's view of the West?
    It made him more suspicious of the USA
  • What was the Arms Race?
    A competition to build nuclear weapons
  • What did the Long Telegram report?
    Stalin called for the destruction of capitalism
  • What did the Novikov Telegram indicate?
    America desired world domination
  • How did both telegrams influence US-USSR relations?
    They increased fears of inevitable war
  • What were Satellite States?
    Eastern European countries under USSR control
  • How did the USSR justify its control over Eastern Europe?
    As a buffer zone against the West
  • What was the Truman Doctrine?
    A policy to contain the spread of communism
  • What was the Domino Theory?
    One country's fall to communism leads to others
  • What was the Marshall Plan designed to do?
    Rebuild Europe's economy to prevent communism
  • How much money was allocated for the Marshall Plan?
    $15 billion
  • How did Stalin react to the Marshall Plan?
    He called it 'dollar imperialism'
  • What were Cominform and Comecon?
    Organizations to support Eastern European communism
  • What caused the Berlin Crisis?
    Merger of Western zones and new currency
  • What was the Berlin Blockade?
    Stalin cut off access to West Berlin
  • How did the West respond to the Berlin Blockade?
    With a massive airlift of supplies
  • What was the outcome of the Berlin Blockade?
    A propaganda victory for the West
  • How long did the Cold War last?
    45 years
  • When did the USSR become the first communist country?
    In 1917
  • What did the USA believe in regarding press and movement?
    Free press and freedom of movement
  • Why did Stalin want friendly countries on his border?
    To prevent future invasions
  • What did the Big 3 hope for after WWII?
    To continue their friendship
  • What territory did the USSR gain at the Potsdam Conference?
    Eastern Poland
  • What was agreed upon regarding the Nazi Party after WWII?
    It was to be banned
  • What was Truman's response to Stalin's reparations demand?
    He rejected the demand
  • What did the USA begin developing after the USSR's nuclear test?
    The H-bomb